Today, the world acknowledges the many esteemed and righteous personalities who have dedicated themselves to the propagation of Islam and the Way of Sayyidina RasulAllah, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.
There is however one gem which shines with a beauty of its own in the treasure chest of sainthood (wilayat).
From a prosperous businessman to one dedicated to the service of Islam and humanity, the life of Khwaja Ghulam Mohiuddin Ghaznavi is a beacon of light and inspiration for all.

We humbly dedicate this translation (or more correctly, this interpretation) to our beloved Shaykh, Khwaja Mohammad Alauddin Siddiqui – may Almighty Allah grant him a long and healthy life, and increase him in all goodness and rank. We pray that Allah Most Merciful accepts our efforts, increases our ability and showers blessings into it. Our humble appeal to all of our readers is that they include us in their noble prayers.

– BahareMadinah.com
6th May 2013 | 

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